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Using the SOLIS for Relief of RLS (from SOLIS customers)


With the passage of time, customers of SOLIS share more and more stories where SOLIS has provided relief. We know about the ability SOLIS has to relieve pain from a wide variety of chronic and acute conditions. As exciting as it is to discover more ways SOLIS is known to help, we remain most excited about the success people experience using SOLIS for its original intent - to relieve the symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome.

RLS is a condition that affects as high as 10 percent of the population. It causes the sensation of creepy crawly restless legs, where a sufferer can only find relief from standing up and walking around. RLS most often occurs in the evenings and at night when someone is trying to rest and sleep. Because a person is unable to sleep well, they experience extreme fatigue. RLS has no known cure. 

Looking for a way to stop the effects of RLS in his own life, the inventor of SOLIS, Norm Schroeder, developed it as a way to find relief. It worked. It continues to work for others. Here is a testimony one of our customers shared with us after using SOLIS to treat their own RLS: 

“Restless leg syndrome success! Have struggled for 20 years with debilitating RLS. Have used the Solis device five nights in a row And have had 80%+improvement in symptoms - amazing!!! Felt like I had tried everything else including prescription medications – nothing was effective and side effects were devastating. So far, this little device is a miracle!”

Another user not only told how great SOLIS worked to treat his symptoms but also included a detailed description of exactly how he uses the device:

“The SOLIS Pain Relief System® works great for RLS and now I get plenty of sleep without those awful RLS leg movements. RLS drugs were making me sick and the SOLIS brought me great RLS relief.

My RLS symptoms can best be described as a pain, itch, or something in between in various locations in my legs. To keep it simple, I call these RLS symptom areas “trigger points”, because they trigger RLS leg movements that wake me up. Doctors refer to these symptoms as “Unusual Sensation Areas”. While not in the medical field, let me share with you how to use the SOLIS to locate and relieve RLS symptoms.

First read the SOLIS Quick Start Guide and User Manual and prepare the skin as directed before use.

When the SOLIS is used for RLS, there is a distinctive “feel” at RLS trigger points from the gentle SOLIS therapeutic action as it is pressed onto RLS symptom areas. This distinctive feel only occurs when treating RLS trigger points and can best be described as something like “scratching an itch”. For me, at first the “feel” was a gentle sting but after a week or so it changed to a feeling like scratching an itch. Once this distinctive SOLIS “feel” is experienced, trigger points are easily located using the SOLIS. Once located, they are treated like any other pain as directed in the SOLIS Quick Start Guide and User Manual.

Since RLS leg movements originate from these trigger points, it may be helpful to have a basic understanding of leg muscles. Nerve tissue is intertwined in the leg muscles which connect from joint to joint generally in line with the legs. Generally, RLS trigger points can be located anywhere in the ankle, leg, or thigh muscles. The most frequent locations for me are in the calf and behind the knees. 

Trigger points can be large or small, located in one or several areas, or they can be along the length of muscle. Often, the trigger points can be located with the fingers, and then more exactly located with the SOLIS. With careful attention, a muscle twitch can be felt at the trigger point just as RLS leg movements occur. The location of the twitch is the location of the trigger point. 

The SOLIS 230 Pulse Width setting works best when treating RLS. Select the SOLIS polarity that works best for you. The SOLIS can be used crosswise, diagonally, or in line with muscles as long as the flat surface of the SOLIS is fully engaged with the moistened skin.

Be mindful that the highest possible intensity setting significantly reduces treatment time. Use the very highest possible setting to speed things up. After treating the same trigger point repeatedly over weeks, the “feel” during treatment changes and the intensity level can be further increased.

Once the trigger points are located, it gets much easier. Each night before sleep, after laying in bed for a while and after knowing where symptoms appear, use the SOLIS to locate and treat active trigger points before going to sleep. If a trigger point appears during the middle of the night, get up, treat it, and go back to sleep. With a little experience, locating and treating RLS trigger points becomes easy. 

Using Solis for RLS allows me to sleep well and feel great.”