Home / Pain Management Blog / SOLIS Model 1100 Review from The Disabled Diva: IT WORKS!!!

SOLIS Model 1100 Review from The Disabled Diva: IT WORKS!!!

Great Reviews from Disabled Diva

There are millions of people who live with chronic pain on a daily basis. At this very moment, many are relying on prescription medications, which have dangerous side effects and addictive properties.  There are literally thousands of products on the market that claim to relieve pain.  The question quickly becomes which one actually works and how can I know without spending all of my hard-earned money, just to find out that it is just another gimmick.  Who can you believe?  Can you believe the websites that are created by the company selling the product? 

At Mid-America Medical Innovations, LLC we make the SOLIS pain relief system. We are confident that our device is different from any other product on the market and it actually works.  We decided to show our confidence and prove that it works so when we were presented with the opportunity to give a unit to a completely independent reviewer for their use and review we jumped on the chance.

Who Is the Disabled Diva?

The Disabled Diva is a young lady who was diagnosed in 2003 and suffers from fibromyalgia and psoriatic arthritis. Both inflict severe muscle pain throughout her lower back, specifically the sacrum. She has experienced severe allergic or negative reactions from most medications so she is always searching for natural and alternative pain relief solutions. Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for herself about her condition, she has set a goal to be a social influencer, blogger, and podcaster to raise awareness about people who suffer from chronic pain. For years, she has been offering her support, sharing insights regarding numerous types of chronic pain, and acting as an advocate for individuals who may not have a powerful voice. 

She has thousands of followers and people value her opinion when it comes to chronic pain.  She tested SOLIS out for 30 days and you can read her entire review here

The following are some of snippets from her review as she performed her testing.

I didn’t know what to expect when I first tried the Solis pain relief system. But one treatment was all it took to know how beneficial it could be. The best way to describe the relief I experience from this device is that the area treated feels like it was given a shot of a numbing agent like Novocain.”

To my surprise, the lower back pain relief provided by my Solis 1100 proved to be much longer than what is suggested on the site. Instead of 8 hours, I would experience 18-24 hours of relief. Experiencing such a long period of relief made it possible to treat my lower back the night before spending 11 hours riding my power wheelchair and treating my spine with my other device while at Disneyland’s A Touch of Disney event in March. Solis 1100 made it possible to enjoy my day more than if my lower back had been throbbing in pain.

I would like to note that I did NOT run treatments for as long as the directions suggested. To do so was too painful for me. Instead, I set my device to the lowest settings and only applied the device to each area for 30 seconds. With that said, to achieve relief throughout my sacrum, I would move the device to cover more of that area totaling time applied to the area to 3-4 minutes.

We were not surprised because we know that SOLIS Pain Relief System works, but the following was the Disabled Diva’s final conclusion:

IT WORKS!!! Obviously, it cannot address all of your fibromyalgia-related pain. Nor can it be used on all muscles due to areas that the device should not be used on. BUT, the relief it does provide is something no other pain relief device or product has ever given me."

"Imagine how much more you could do if you didn’t have pain in a specific area like your lower back. Personally, it is the difference of only being able to sit in my wheelchair for an hour or two vs all day. With Disneyland prepping to reopen by the end of the month, this pain management system is going to make a world of difference for future visits."

"With that said, I feel the need to be very clear that Solis 1100 is NOT a fibromyalgia or muscle pain cure. Much like a pharmaceutical numbing agent or opioid, it does not address the source of pain, but it does a great job of relieving it. Fibromyalgia is not a curable condition, but the pain can be reduced with treatments, products, and lifestyle changes."

If you are still not sure if the SOLIS Model 1100 is for you take a look at additional reviews from people just like you here.