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How to Create Your Own Pain Management Strategy

Millions of Americans live with debilitating pain that affects their everyday life. The persistent physical discomfort causes tremendous mental and emotional suffering, negatively impacting every aspect of your life. You can reduce suffering and improve your physical and emotional health by taking control of your own pain management strategy. There are many safe and effective pain coping strategies you can incorporate into your life to alleviate your pain. Learn how to create a self-management strategy for pain relief to enhance your quality of life.

Identify the Causes of Pain and Areas of Concern

 Shirtless man with hands on lower back due to pain

Pain is an unpleasant sensation that alerts you when something is wrong with your body. Pain sensations help you survive by warning you about a possible impending health concern so that you can take action quickly to address the condition. Diseases, illnesses, and physiological disorders can all cause varying types of pain. Identifying the cause and type of pain will help you create an effective pain management strategy. There are two types of pain: acute and chronic pain.

Acute pain is short-term pain that appears suddenly, and does not last for more than six months. This type of pain stems from a specific cause, such as tissue injury or an accident, and will go away once the underlying cause is treated. Cuts, burns, broken bones, and surgery all cause acute pain. Traditional and alternative pain coping strategies can alleviate acute pain until the discomfort completely goes away.

Chronic pain is long-term pain that lasts for more than six months. For many people, chronic pain can last their entire lives. Almost 50 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. Arthritis, fibromyalgia, and nerve damage all cause lifelong pain. Without an effective pain management strategy, chronic pain will have a massive impact on daily life activities, and cause physical, mental, and psychological health disorders.

Discover Which Physical Exercises Help You

 A woman's hand in a yoga pose, wearing a bracelet made of black beads

Chronic pain can make it very uncomfortable for you to perform most physical activities, but it is essential that the body gets regular movement and exercise to maintain good health and reduce pain. Exercising is an effective pain coping strategy to relieve your discomfort. With any exercise program, you should start small, and gradually increase the intensity of the workout routine.

Incorporating different types of exercises in your pain management strategy will boost your overall health, produce natural painkiller endorphins, and improve joint mobility and muscle flexibility and strength. Yoga, aquatic sports, and cardio exercises are great activities to improve your general health, strengthen your musculoskeletal system, and alleviate pain and discomfort.

Many studies have found yoga to be effective for pain relief. A weekly yoga class has the potential to increase the mobility in chronic pain patients more than standard medical care. Yoga can relieve pain in patients with arthritis, lower back pain, fibromyalgia, and many other chronic pain conditions. If you are physically unable to practice classic yoga, try “restorative yoga” or “chair yoga”, which are designed for people with physical limitations.

Aquatic and cardio exercises should also be included in your pain management strategy as they are highly effective for alleviating existing discomfort. Aquatic exercises such as swimming and pool therapy are great for people with musculoskeletal problems, as they provide a gentle, low impact way to improve muscular strength and endurance. Reclining bikes and elliptical machines are chronic pain-friendly cardio exercises that will boost your heart rate and get your blood pumping.

Create a Drug-Free, All-Natural Pain Management Strategy

 Man wearing watch using the SOLIS Pain Relief System

Pain management strategies that use medication to alleviate your discomfort can lead to a myriad of health issues, drug tolerance, and addiction. Fortunately, there are many safe and effective pain coping strategies that will help you manage your discomfort without any side effects. A drug-free, all-natural pain management strategy can include physical therapy, pain relief devices, acupuncture, and herbal painkillers.

These natural pain relief methods are scientifically proven to relieve discomfort in chronic pain patients. Pain relief devices use FDA-approved TENS technology to disrupt pain signaling to your brain, reducing pain perception. Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, is increasingly being recommended by the medical community to relieve chronic pain.

Try these all-natural pain relief therapies to help you determine which one works best for you. Incorporate your favorite drug-free treatments into your pain management strategy to improve your overall wellness. Drug-free, all-natural pain relief strategies alleviate your discomfort without harming other areas of your health or causing substance dependence.

Lay Out a Daily Routine to Follow

Woman with green eyes lying on her side in bed

Simple daily habits that promote a healthy lifestyle will go a long way in helping you feel better. Practicing healthy habits and incorporating them into your daily routine can considerably improve every aspect of your life. Laying out a daily routine for eating healthily, reducing stress, exercising, using natural pain relief treatments, and getting enough sleep not only boosts your general health, but also helps you regain control over your life.

Incorporating positive lifestyle changes into your pain management strategy enhances your physical and mental well-being, increasing your ability to manage pain. Establish a daily routine for cooking healthy food, going out for short walks, using drug-free pain relief solutions, and getting at least eight hours of good-quality sleep every night. Following these positive lifestyle habits on a daily basis will help you maintain a healthy weight, improve your mental health, and boost your body’s healing and regenerative capabilities.

Identify Tools and Resources That Help You Manage Your Pain

Man sitting at a desk using laptop with his hand on his neck and unhappy face due to pain

Living with chronic pain is a constant battle to subdue the discomfort. You can ultimately win the struggle with the help and support of the right tools and resources. Many national and nonprofit pain management organizations such as the US Pain Foundation and the American Chronic Pain Association offer crucial advice and the latest developments on pain management strategies to help you deal with chronic pain in a more constructive way.

Other than pain management organizations and support groups, there are effective FDA-approved pain relief tools and solutions that relieve your pain without any side effects. The SOLIS Pain Relief System uses advanced, FDA-approved technology to relieve your pain within a few minutes. SOLIS’s natural pain relief technology is currently being used in hospitals, clinics, and pain management centers to relieve suffering in chronic pain patients. You can incorporate SOLIS into your natural pain management strategy to eliminate discomfort and improve your overall wellness.

Create a Self-Managed Strategy To Relieve Your Pain

Don’t let chronic pain ruin your life. Regain control over life and keep your chronic pain at bay by devising your own pain management strategy. There are many tools and resources that can support your pain relief journey and help you live your best, healthiest life.

If you need a safe, effective, and all-natural solution to help you in your pain relief journey, we can help. SOLIS is an FDA-approved pain relief system that uses cutting-edge technology to bring you comfort within minutes. Let SOLIS be your companion in your pain relief journey.